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Nicholson, Derek E. T.  The Poems of the Troubadour Peire Rogier. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976.

356,005- Peire Rogier

Variants. The illegible parts of ω are denoted by --- except where otherwise indicated. Lines 10-21 are completely illegible and ll. 25-41 are lacking.

I. Lines 1-5 lacking ω; I, on (initial n mutilated) C, non DIKT; say R; cant T, chan DIK; cantar T, cantars Dc, chantar MR; plagrami T.   2, sieu T; sabes T, saupes MR; dont T; de re lacking R, ara M; ren IKT; nō D, non MRT; sai MT, say R; sen DDcIK; be] re R.   3, e. e. g.] e grieus es M; et] es T, ez Dc; greu IKT; cantç T, chan R, chanz DDcIK; cant DRT, qan Dc, qant KM; no R; sab D; che T, qe DcIM.   4, ma of mas mutilated C; adonc MT, adoncs DDcIK; com DIKRT, qom DcM; ha DcM; naturall T.   5, can DRT, qan DcIM; sab Dc; son]sun T; a. g. p. s.] gen paysser e cobrir R; gient T; passar precedes son C; cubrir MT, soffrir DIK, sufrir Dc.   6, quar no·s deu lacking ω; car T, qar M, qe Dc, que IK, q¯ D; no·s] nous T, noys C; hom] ho T; b. t.] trop ben IK; esgausir T, esjausir M, es --- ω.   7, ni ia illegible ω; gia T; i. p. m.] per gran mal DcR; h. t.] nulhs homs R; h. t. n. d.] nos dev trop desesperar T; om M; trop] fort DIKω; desesper DDcIKMRω.

II. 8, mas] pus R; tut T; cant DRTω, qant KM.   9, que preza(s) illegible ω; que lacking R, qe MT, q¯ DI, quan C; presas M, preçatç T; can , cant RT, qan KM; en M, eu DIKTω, quieu C, yeu R; no M.   10, m. s.] e nas T; dis DIK; cavols DIKRT, qavols M; qis M.   11, com DIKRT, qom M; t. b. c.] tan gen contenemen DIK; totç T; bels T; captenimen T.   12, com R, qe MT, q¯ D; nol lacking I; p. h.] puesca R; puosc IT; om DIKT.   13, aiso T, aissi C, ayso R, perso DIK; eu DIKT, yeu R; qe MT, q¯ DR; n. d. h.] h. n. d. R; no·s] nous T; om M; gecir T, gequir DR, giqir M.   14, aisi T, aysi R; tut T; qil M, q\i/l D; setgle I.

III. 15, esta DIKMT; ben DIKT; com DIKRT, qom M; cant T; qes MT, q¯s DR.   16, oc] e T; cant DR, qan M, qant T, quant IK; es RT, ner DIK; loc I, locs DKT, locx R, luecs M; ni] e T; tems R; qe KM, q¯ DIRT.   17, cora DIKR, coras T, qoras M; donc M, doncs DIKT; volo M, vol so IK; d. g.] g. d. CT, dire R.   18, sapchatz IK, sapchaz D, sapciatç T; ceieu T, q¯u DI, qieu M, queu K, ieu C, yeu R; oc DIKMRT; car DIKRT, qar M, qªr C; un R, uns T; g. j.] gioi grans T; gran R, granz D; dols C, joy R; m’en] me T, mi M.   19, can D, car RT, qan I, quan K; dis DIKMR; tot R, toz D, tutç T; giortç T, jorn R, jornz I, jorz D; cor T, qe M, q¯ DIR; joys R, rirs D, rris I, rri(r)s K (the r was probably added by a later hand); v. e.] vol o M.   20, t. t.] tolre IK; daco R, daiso DIKT; gia T; t’er] tes R; tost] obs R, tut T, tot all other MSS; morir DIMT, morrir K.   21, laierai T, laissat ai IK, laisserai M, layssaray R; mon] non T; gioi T, joi DIKM.

IV. 22, se T; gioi T, joi DIKMω; hai M; d. a. d. c.] tot naurai doncx honor R; don M, donc IK, doncs DTω; conort C.   23, e cal --- joi --- merce ω; qal M, cal DIKRT; gioi T, joi DIKM; cier T, q\i/ers R, qers M, q¯rs D, quers IK; lei DIK, leis M, leys R, lieis T; cui DIKMT.   24, after fols the rest of the line is lacking in ω; fols DIKMRTω; es MT, iest DIK; ce T, qe KM, q¯ DR; per] a R, e C; deu I, dieus T; trabagliar T, trebailhas M, trebaillas DIK.   25, ni lacking T; acho D, aco IKR, aiso T, aisso M; fas R, ma T, mas M; donc M, doncs DIKT.   26, entremetes R, entremez DIK; t. q. s.] q. s. t. C; tu] e R, ni IK; q. s.] q¯asab T; qe KM, q¯ D, quē R; lo] lor T, loy C, o R.   27, sap M, sas T; t. q.] q¯ tu D, que tu IK; ce T, qe M; fay R; l. m.] layssam del R; laixa T; t. g.] tutom plaser T (the scribe’s eye has probably jumped from the totof l. 27 to that of l. 28); garir M, guerrir DIK.   28, cf. l. 27 T; eu DIK, yeu R; volentiers DIK, volontiers M; plaser M.

V. 29, tost] got I, tut T, tot all other MSS; venra] veirai C; tems R; ce T, q¯ DIMR; c. s.] conoisera sun T, contras ton R.   30, a. t.] q¯ res nō tems R; aqi M, aq\i/ I, aqieu T; tatem IK, tatent T; fas DIKRT, faz M; eu DIK, yeu R.   31, f. t. t.] aco q¯ dey R; tun T; talen IKT; eu D, yeu R; non DIKMRT; cuc T; crey R.   32, ca T, can R, qāt M, cō DI, con K; vivas CR, vivra T; naias DIKM, nauras T; nuil I, nuill K, nul DT, null M; gausimen T, jausimen M.   33, no R, nol DIK, non o T, nou C; ditç T, ditz M; car DIKRT, qar M; m’en] me M.   34, eu DIKT, yeu R; oc DIKMRT; car DIKRT, qar M; non DIKRT; veg R, vei DIKMT; gausir T, jausir M.   35, ia lacking R, gia T; sap T, sapchas R; t. q. a. n. a. e.] quals ieu non ai ges C; ca!s DIKRT, qals M; ay R.

VI. 36, cor DcT; no·m] me R; di Dc, dis DIK; q. a.] canb T; qeu Dc, q¯u DI, qieu M, q\i/eu R.   37, car DIKRT, qan Dc, qar M; has Dc; dretz M, dritç T; pell M, pels T; grans T; be Dc, bens T; que t’ en ve lacking D (the scribe’s eye has probably jumped from the ben of l. 37 to that of l. 39), qetemie T; qe Dc, q¯ IR, qi M.   38, lacking D (cf. l. 37); e. o. f.] no fara Dc; ell M; o] so CM; cora Dc, coras IKM; e. d.] amise Dc, arase IK, er iasse C; e ilh ca fag e fara ioc desse R; el sofra en coras eras be T.   39, ben lacking D (cf. l. 37); estera IK, istera T; v. e. m. s. m.] yes en marrimē R; ver Dc; es lacking I, est K; mas] e DDcIK; si·t] si M; ment T.   40, ce T, che Dc, qen DKM, q¯n IR; a. m.] mais am T; mais DDcIKM, mays R; seu DcR.   41, cautra DIKRT; m. h.] mas il T; hi] i DDcIK, y MR; saps doncx C, saubes DIT, saubist R; causir T, chausir DcIKM, chauzir DR.   42, cieu T, q¯ R, qeu Dc, q¯u DIω, qieu M; pres DRTω, prez DcK; re DcRω; mensogna T, mensogu(n)a Dc (it is not clear whether the letter following g is u or n), mensoina ω, mensonia IKM, mesonia D, messonia R; (con)tra ver illegible ω.

VII. 43, s’a. (1)] samors C; viev R; s’a. (2)] samor DMRω, per samor T; maistort T, ma e --- ω.   44, la] gran MT; preiso T, preison IK, preizo R, pre--- ω; e] en T; samor CMRT; fr --- ω.   45, q¯--- sim re--- ω; e R, qe M, q¯ DT; enlaix T, eslais DIKM; vas is written twice in M (it is not clear whether the deletion indications (··) under the first vas were made by a later hand), ves T; altra T; si·m] sem T.   46, ---m. c. j. ω; et D; ay R, hai M; tut T; giaze T (it is not certain whether the mark above the e represents a nasal or is merely intended to be the dot of the i).   47, e. p. d’e.] platz dompneys C, qū nuecs ω; part] par M; enuoi T; play R, plaz DMω; can DRTω, qan K, qant M; puosc IKT; ser --- ω.   48, --- lo l. d. ω; leis M, lieis T, llei DIK; li] los T; desir IKMT; e plazom may per ver li siei sospir R.   49, q. s’a. illegible ω; ce T, qe M, q¯ CIR; sauria D; tut T.

VIII. Lacking MT. The following is all that is legible in ω. Lo vers ---l q¯ si prez ---nav --- deing --- tot lo mon --- obezir. --- manten ---.   50, voill DIK; q¯ DIR; presen IK.   51, naves DIK; plai DIK, platz R; q¯l DR; deing IK, dreig D, vuelh C.   52, car R, qui DIK; tot lo (li D) mon DIK; la CR; d. o.] devria servir C; bezir IK.   53, car DIKR; mais DIK, mays R; q. t.] dautra C; qe D, q¯ I; tut DKR; prez K; manteneir R.

IX. Lacking MRT. The following is all that is legible in ω: --- ma --- escauz --- loma --- el nos poc --- anir. --- lan len dev horn ben tener.   54, donsanz IK, donz s. D, dous sautz C; fait DIK; deschauzimen DIK.   55, es] er DIK; danz DIK; soffrir IK.   56, el no·s] ylh nom C; de] del DIK.   57, lo] len DIK; hom] len D.








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