We give below the instances where we depart from the MS, as well as all those readings in the previous editions of the poem which differ from our text. The abbreviations employed for the editions are as follows: Chab. = Chabaneau (RLR); Appel = Appel, Peire Rogier; Lav. = Lavaud, Les Troubadours cantaliens; Nelli-Lav. = Nelli-Lavaud, Les Troubadours.
I. 1, dousa c Chab. 3, redolmein c, ve dol[s] m’en Chab., ver dol mein Lav. Nelli-Lav. 4, et Chab. 5, et Chab. 6, departem Chab.
II. 7, d’aitan Chab.; sabchas Appel. Lav. Nelli-Lav.; talant c. 8, qe c Appel. Lav. Nelli-Lav.; tant c. 9, en lacking c; semblant c. 11, vac Chab., vai c; dieus c Chab. 12, senhor Chab.
III. 13, que Chab. 15, terra c Chab. Appel. Lav. Nelli-Lav. 16, freidura c Chab. Appel. Lav. Nelli-Lav.; et Chab. 17, nos c; figu c. 18, ni] en Lav. Nelli-Lav.
IV. 20, l’] les c; esperitz Chab. 21, uls] cils Lav. Nelli-Lav. 23, m. o] ma[s]so Chab.; qi·ns] qi us c; partitz Appel.
V. 25, fora c Chab. Appel. Lav. Nelli-Lav. 27, de leis] d’ela(s) Chab. 28, perviz c.
VI. 33, saziontat[z] Chab., sazïontatz Nelli-Lav.; fractura Chab. 34, c. e noit c; noit Chab. 36, et Chab. |