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Nicholson, Derek E. T. The Poems of the Troubadour Peire Rogier. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976.

356,001- Peire Rogier



Classification. All the MSS have the same order of stanzas and contain the complete poem, with the exception of c, in which stanzas II and III and the tornada are missing, and ω which is fragmentary.

Two main groups are to be observed: ABDIK and CR, the division being clearly marked in 13, 23, 27, 28 (querra-queira), 48, 50. Within the first group, which is by far the more consistent and stable of the two, two sub-groups are apparent: AB and DIK. The close connection of the first pair is borne out in 16 (q¯), 19, 27, 50, 51, 52, while DIK share variants in 2 (lalbre-larbre), 26 (pauc), 27 (se il mais, etc.), 30 (tot), 37, 50, 51, 52. IK follow their normal practice of forming a further subdivision, cf. 15 (vei), 17, 19, 27, 51 (mal).

EMcω each fluctuate considerably in their relations with the two main groups. M appears to have equal connections with both. It joins the first in 27 (rancura), 28 (qerra), showing a further link with DIK in 26 (pauc) and with AB in 19. On the other hand, its connection with CR is borne out in 23 (que), 27 (si·l sap mal), 50 (rogier).

E joins ABDIK in 27 (rancura), 48, apart from DIK in 26 (pauc), 27 (sil mais). Although Appel is perhaps justified in noting that its link with R in 12, 28 is less important, it appears, on the whole, to belong at least as much to the CR tradition as to the ABDIK tradition. It shares readings with C in 22 (camor), 51 (longuas), CRc in 28 (queira) and with ACMRcω in 23 (que) in opposition to BDIK.

E and M are quite often in agreement, cf. 6 (que), 13, 17, 26 (plac-plag) (with cω) and 26 (with DIK: pauc), 27 (with ABDIK: rancura).

c appears generally to identify itself with the CR group, although it joins DIK in 2.

The intricate relationship of M and c with the other MSS and that of MRc with each other pose a problem similar to that confronted in VI. Although all three, particularly R, have strong individualist tendencies, they are allied in 16 (qe), 23 (que), 27 (sil sap mal), 30. Further links exist between Mc in 25 (sestrais-sistrais), 30, Rc in 25 (dona), 27 (natura-nabdura), 38, and MR in I, 22 (tal), 34 (suefre-suefri).

ω, which was not at Appel’s disposal, is fragmentary and, on the evidence available, cannot be classified precisely with either of the two main groups. It is linked with the first in 28, 48 and again with DIK in 2 (lalbre-larbre), while it joins CR in 23 (que), 27 (sil sap mal). An affinity with c is also apparent, cf. 2, 26 (plag).


Metrical scheme. Seven coblas unissonans of seven lines and a tornada of three lines following the scheme of the last three lines of the stanzas:

a7 b7 c7’ d7 a7 c7’ e7’

(Frank: 838: 1). There is one other example of this scheme (Jaufré Rudel: Pillet and Carstens, 262, 5).


Base and orthography. C.






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