Nicholson, Derek E. T. The Poems of the Troubadour Peire Rogier. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976.
356,005- Peire Rogier
Classification. Appel did not have Dc and ω at his disposal. The first contains only two stanzas (I and VI) and the second is illegible in several places. Other MSS have the following omissions: MT both tornadas, R the second tornada, D l. 38 and part of l. 39, T l. 28 and part of l. 27. R has an independent stanza order: 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 6, 4, 8.
From the variants two broad lines of tradition emerge: DIK and CMRT, cf. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 16, 17, 19, 27, 32, 33, 39, 44, 52, as well as the second tornada (lacking in MRT). Apart from these instances, DIK are allied in 18 (jois), 26 (lo).
They form the more stable group, being joined quite often by one or more of the other MSS. IK are, as usual, particularly close, cf. 2 (nom), 3, 6 (tropben), 17 (vol so), 19, 20, 21, 26, 30, 38, 39, 42, 43 (amors (2)), 52, 54. In a number of these instances D joins MSS of the second group in opposition.
The interrelationship of the MSS of the second group is far more intricate. They divide themselves into various combinations of three and two as shown below:
The close relationship of both CR and MT is borne out by those instances where in turn they leave their main group to join DIK. CR are, in fact, allied to DIK in all the lines where MT stand alone. The reverse is true in most of the lines where CR are linked. MT are also in agreement with the first group in 9 (qe) and M has further links with it in 17 (dir ges), 18 (jois), 26 (lo), 32 (vivras). CRT individually have connections, as well, with the first group. This is particularly the case with C, which is the only MS of the second group to contain the last stanza. All four MSS, especially RT, show signs of independence.
From the evidence available ω appears to be closely related to DIK in opposition to the second group, cf. 7, 44, 52 (tot lo mon), 57 (len). It also joins CDIK by the inclusion of both tornadas.
The relationship of Dc with the other MSS is difficult to establish on the basis of the two stanzas it contains. It is linked with DIK, in opposition to the second group, in I (cantars), 2, 5, 6 (qe), 39 and also with CDIKR in 4 (adoncs). On the other hand, it separates, with D, from the first group to join the second in 3 (gyeus), 6 (ben trop), 39 (estara). It shares independent readings with R in 7 and, in particular, with T in 36 (cor), 40, 42 (mensogu(n)a).
Metrical scheme. Seven coblas unissonans of seven lines and two tornadas, each of four lines, following the scheme of the last four lines of the stanzas:
a10 b10 b10 c10 d10 d10 e10
(Frank: 747: 2). The same rhyme scheme as that for Tant ai mon cor and six other poems, one of which also has this syllable arrangement (Giraut Riquier: Pillet and Carstens, 248, 29).