The variants found in the MSS. are relatively few and it is extremely difficult to distinguish subgroups; where the more important variants occur there is a great deal of complexity and the same groupings do not always occur, as an examination of the following lines reveals.
15. AIKM (Trop); CFLORSc (Be); DDcGQTVVI (Mult); U (Fort).
16. CDcFMT (Motz cubertz).
22. A (Mout) ; DFGLOQRTV1, S, V (Ben sap); CIKM (Preguera); U (Assaz).
23. AGD, OS, R, F (Mas non o vol); L, QUc, CIKM, T (Mas lieys non cal); V1 (Platz).
28. ALIK (safraing); CDFGOQSTUVV1c (refranh).
29. ADGRT (E valra mi ia); IKQc (ten pro); CMSVV1 (E donc valra) F (e deuri valer); U (era pro).
32. ADFGLMRSTVI (lausengiers); QUV1c (messongiers); C (fenhedors); IK (fals e plen de); V (neci parliers).
43. DGLQT (lengatge); COMSUVV1c (coratge).
It will be seen that the groupings revealed in the analysis of the stanza order are not borne out by the variants.
Six coblas unissonans, with two tornadas, each of three lines: a b b c’ c’ a d, lines of ten syllables. Maus 637.