(366.23 and 70.32)
Bartsch, Chrestomathie, col. 141 (after AI); Appel, Bernart von Ventadorn, pp. 277 ff.
Attribution: Bernard de Ventadorn ADIK; Peirol AIK.
For the close relationship of DIKN see the variants in ll. 15, 29, 31, for that of IKN, l. 33.
On the question of Peirol’s participation in this poem, see Appel, op. cit., Zenker, Die prov. Tenzone, p. 80, Zingarelli, Studi med. I, p. 363 and Introduction, p. 11, and notes.
On the question of the participation in this poem, see Appel, Bernart von Ventadorn, pp. 277 ff.; Zenker, Die provenzalische Tenzone, p. 80; Zingarelli, Studi medievali, I, 363. It is extremely doubtful whether both Bernart and Peirol could have participated, although Restori (Rivista musicale italiana, III, pp. 426 et seq.), without offering any reasons, suggests that Peirol may have journeyed to Toulouse in the year 1194 and there exchanged verses with Bernart. Zenker sees here certain features reminiscent of Bernart (ll. 18-21, cf. 70.4, ll. 52-6; l. 31, cf. 70.31, l. 55); but the sentiments expressed in v. 5 and in the tornada are surely not those usually associated with him. It could be argued, in favour of Peirol, that the general tone of the verses here ascribed to him recalls that of poems written after his dismissal by Sail-de-Claustra; v. 1, too, echoes perhaps v. 1 of XVIII, the sense of compulsion to sing in l. 11 is perhaps paralleled in v. 1 of XIX, and the use of the fable in v. 6 might come naturally to one who used illustrative proverbs so frequently. There is nothing in the tenso which precludes Peirol’s participation; could not his opponent be, not Bernart de Ventadour, but another Bernart? The firm evidence in favour of Ventadour is contained only in the headings found in a group of closely associated MSS.
Six coblas unisonnans, with two tornadas, each of three lines: a b b a c c a, lines of eight syllables. Maus 509.
Text: Appel, Bernart von Ventadorn, p. 278.