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Wolf, George; Rosenstein, Roy. The Poetry of Cercamon and Jaufre Rudel. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc, 1983

[CdT en procés d'incorporació]

112,002a- Cercamon


Pillet-Carstens 112.2a.

Manuscript: a, pp. 369-70 (transcribed in Bertoni (1901), 425).

Attributions to others: None.

Major editions: Dejeanne, No. 7, p. 55; Jeanroy, No. 6, p. 19.

Structure: 9 6-line stanzas, each with different rhymes, except last line the same in all (coblas singulars).

Meter and rhyme: 8 aaaaax, bbbbbx, etc.

This song was most likely written in the spring of 1137, shortly after the death of William X of Aquitaine, on April 9.






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