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Shepard, William P.; Chambers, Frank M.. The poems of Aimeric de Peguilhan. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1950

[CdT en procés d'incorporació]

010,002- Aimeric de Peguillan



Stanzas II and III are quoted in the Breviari d’amor, lines 30425 and 28661, respectively (variants: 23. (leu) l’en. 24. dobla). Stanzas I and VI are printed in De Bartholomaeis, Poesie provenzali storiche, I, 229. According to A. Stemma:


ADEJ: 7 (nom), 19 (-A)

AEJ: 32, 42

EJ: 24, 26, 36, 37, 40

CRf: 7 (hieu)

CR: 28

IK: 12, 18, 34, 40

This stemma raises a few difficulties, but I think not insuperable ones. We can assume that A corrected a wrong reading in 19 (not too difficult a correction). As for 35, E’s onrar looks so much like durar (a much more likely word) that one can understand how easy the confusion was; it is not too hard to believe that the same mistake could be made independently by A and J. IK seem to stand apart from both of the other groups. The position of Dc cannot be determined, since so little of the poem appears in that MS. As C’s readings appear to be generally better, we have chosen it as base.

This song is a good example of the inability of the troubadours to compose what Jeanroy (La poésie lyrique des troubadours, II, 113) calls “un tout logiquement agencé.”Here, one strophe has no evident connection with the preceding. The thought is vague, more incoherent than usual.






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