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Aston, S. C.. Peirol. Troubadour of Auvergne. Cambridge: University Press, 1953

366,013- Peirol

I. vers. See Levy, Prov. Supp.-Wört. VIII, p. 686. Also Las Leys d’amors (Appel, Prov. Chrest. no. 124).
22-3. There are considerable differences to be observed in MSS., as may be seen from the variants. L. 22 is supported by the majority of the MSS. (not CIKM), but the following line, particularly the second half, shows many variations; the copyists appear to have followed their own bent and the versions thus diverge greatly. F and R offer the best readings, and since the latter MS. has close affinities with C, its reading has been adopted. But read (after CIKM)? Preguera la si valer mi pogues Mais leis non cal de mi ni m’a per tan. Cf. Levy, Prov. Supp.-Wört., VIII, p. 50 (38).
41-2. Cf. Folquet de Marseille, 21, l. 2 (Stronski, ed. cit. p. 52), ‘Aissi cum cel qu’a tot perdut e jura Que mais non joc’.








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