1-2. These lines are characteristic of Peirol’s good opinion of his own poetry. Cf. II, stanza 1; XX, ll. 1-2; XXII, stanza 1.
11. agradi. The first person of the Pres. Indic. ending in -i is often met in Peirol’s poems. Cf. III, 26; IV, 18; IX, 14, etc. Cf. also l. 45 (dauri) in this poem.
15. This line indicates that Peirol is no longer in direct contact with Sail-de-Claustra. The tornada suggests that he is possibly at the court of Heraclius of Polignac.
43. Heralh de Polignac. The reading of Da (Berald) cannot be supported, since this name was not borne by the house of Polignac; the palaeographical error is easily explained.
Since Heraclius died not later than the summer of 1201 (see Introduction, p. 6), this tornada offers a terminus ad quem for the poem.
45. Bella Guarda = Marqueza de Polignac?
dauri. Cf. XXII, 14; me dauret gen so qu’aora m’estaigna. |