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Aston, S. C.. Peirol. Troubadour of Auvergne. Cambridge: University Press, 1953

366,029- Peirol

1. Amors pois anc eu la vit IK, Amors pos midonç la vit N.   2. Lai IK; finamen G.   3. Qenqer G. Mas] qe G.   6. mains amics AD, mainz amic G, mant amix N.   8. si] sen IKL; salandis L.   9. remansera S.
This tenso, which represents, as Crescini says (op. cit. p. 461), ‘il contrasto fra la religione e l’amore, fra il servizio di Cristo nelle asprezze cimentose della crociata e il servizio della dama ne’ sollazzi tranquilli della vita cortigiana’, was composed, according to De Bartholomaeis (loc. cit.), in the year 1190. See also Crescini, op. cit. p. 471 (1188-9); Selbach, Das Streitgedicht, p. 39; Jeanroy, ‘La Tenson Provençale’, and also Introduction, p. 8.
The first two stanzas of this poem have served as model to Thibaut IV of Champagne in his poem Kant Amors vit ke je li aloignoie (ed. Soc. Anc. Textes Fr., p. 246).
3. asalhit. 3rd pers. perf. in -it, for the sake of the rhyme. Cf. also v. 21 aculhit. See Crescini, Manualetto, p. 64.
II. pechat = ‘sympathy, consideration’.
14. ochaizonar alcu de = ‘to accuse someone of’. It is an expression of legal origin; see Bertoni, ‘Riflessi di costumanze giuridiche nell’ antica poesia de Provenza’, in Poesie, leggende, costumanze del medio evo, pp. 160 ff. (previously appeared in Arch. Rom. I (1917), pp. 4 ff.), and Pellegrini in Arch. Rom. XVI (1932), pp. 439 ff.
20. la bona domna = Sail-de-Claustra. Ll. 21-2 suggest that this poem was written about the time that Peirol was established as the lady’s drutz.
28. falhit = 1st. pers. perf. (Crescini, Manualetto, p. 64). Cf. l. 1 of stanza 4a. Or read falhi·t?
32. The two kings are Henry II of England and Philippe Auguste of France. See Introduction, pp. 8 ff.
33. Cf. sirventes of Bertran de Born, 80.4, stanza 1.
35. The marquis is Conrad of Montferrat, who, after the fall of Jerusalem, resisted Saladin (August 1187 to January 1188).
47. Dalfi = Dauphin of Auvergne. See Introduction, p. 9.








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