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Aston, S. C.. Peirol. Troubadour of Auvergne. Cambridge: University Press, 1953

238,003 = 373,001- Guionet

19. ? Pomairols (Suchier). This correction, however, would result in an extra syllable unless one read ‘Pomairols, cel qu’enan·s trai’.
33. Suchier’s correction appears unnecessary in view of the reading of a1.
37. N has one syllable lacking, a1 one syllable too many; the reading of the latter is preferable since it conforms better to the argument of Guionet and it has therefore been adopted with the ellision of the de. It may be pointed out that this reading justifies the retention of Peire in l. 19.
46. Here again, N has too many syllables and Suchier has overcome the difficulty by omitting conqier and considering a as the verb; the reading of a1, however, is again preferable.
61-4. The construction here is somewhat laboured; entendre (tener?) en is to be taken with enantir, and n’Azalais is in apposition to lo.








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