2. [l’amor] is Mahn’s conjecture.
6. Jeanroy corrects crida to cria.
7. Mahn corrects to e·n mou.
8. Jeanroy emends car li to que·l for the meter.
18. Louis came south in May, 1137, to marry Eleanor of Aquitaine; hence also the mention of Pantacosta in line 51. The ceremony took place on July 27 (or possibly August 1) at the cathedral of St. André in Bordeaux.
21. Jeanroy emends calla to calha; the scribe merely left out the hook of the h.
23. polhe: Cf. Marcabru, Dirai vos en mon lati, 25 (poilli).
29. Jeanroy lists sofrez as the reading, but the MS reads sofretz.
30, 35. The MS reads Guilhelmi; the change seems merely scribal, and we have followed Jeanroy in printing the single spelling.
31. Jeanroy emends me dizetz to dizetz for the meter.
33. Fransa here denotes a more restricted area than “France” today; Fransa referred to the royal domain, and did not include the surrounding counties; see 1.37.
46-47. Several solutions to these lines have been offered. Chabaneau proposes fosca ... no·s ... , “the husk does not seem black to the new shell,” i. e. the nut is not ripe when the shell begins to form, possibly a proverbial way of saying “wait a little”; Tobler gives josta ... pareisso·l jet: “next to the foliage appear young offspring,” i. e. the Count of Poitiers who is coming; Dejeanne has josta ... pareisso·l teit: “next to the foliage appear the new roofs”; Jeanroy leaves the MS as is, and does not translate. We assume that pareisa is a possible form of the present subjunctive of pareiser (cf. teisser, pres. subj. teissa). Here we have Guilhalmi’s easy optimism on the subject of new lodging for himself and his “master.”
48. We follow Jeanroy’s emendation of be par pauc.
54. Jeanroy does not list mi pagatz in his rejected readings. |