1–2. This beginning may have been suggested by the line of Folquet de Marseille (ed. Stronski, VI, 27): Mas ben deu hom camjar bon per meillor.
7–9. On the principle of the lectio difficilior, one should prefer the reading of CR. But we have been unable to find a single example of plazer transitive, in the sense “take pleasure in.” This seems to exclude the possibility of accepting line 8 as these MSS have it. Moreover, since M most commonly goes with CR, but opposes them here, there is likelihood that the reading adopted is correct.
13. I am not too sure how one should interpret O c’es, whether as O s’es, as O qu’es (rather unlikely for these MSS), or even as Oc es (FMC).
17. Exactly what is meant by this line is hard to determine.
19–23. Only by taking this sentence as a question is it possible to translate the Que in line 20.
23. contracor. Apparently a rare word in Provençal. Levy (SW, I, 344) cites only two examples, with the meaning “entgegen laufen, eilen.” In the PD however he adds the meaning “déroger,” which fits this passage.
35–36. Cnyrim, Sprichwörter, no. 497.
40. It is likely that the original had ueniara (supported by the ueiaire of A); but we have not ventured to introduce this conjecture into the text.
44–45. To understand these lines, it seems necessary to assume that the ·l of 44 refers to lo vil of 39, while the ·l of 45 means the lady who betrayed the poet.
46. En Rainier de Val Cortes may be a senhal. At all events, the person designated is unknown.
47. The word tratz is evidently used figuratively here, meaning “sharp, cutting words.”