Notes - Anmerkungen - Notes - Notas - Notes - Note - Nòtas

Wolf, George; Rosenstein, Roy. The Poetry of Cercamon and Jaufre Rudel. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc, 1983

[CdT en procés d'incorporació]

112,001b- Cercamon

2. [·ls pratz] is Jeanroy’s conjecture.
6. acoseguir: Jeanroy prints aconseguir.
9. laissaratz: De Lollis suggested laissarai.
10. Jeanroy emends can to car.
15. auzet[z]: For the form auzet see 1.12.
22. In the MS this line is written as part of the previous stanza.
23. dic: Jeanroy prints dig.
26. Bertoni supplied [fui].
27. car crezei: Jeanroy emends this to can crezei.
29. non volc clamar: Dejeanne emends this to no·m volc clamar.
32. enrequir is Dejeanne’s emendation of the unlikely enquerir.
36. al mirar: Dejeanne emends this to a l’intrar.
42. ilh es: Jeanroy emends this to ilh s’es.
46. [de] is supplied by Dejeanne.








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