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Wolf, George; Rosenstein, Roy. The Poetry of Cercamon and Jaufre Rudel. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc, 1983

[CdT en procés d'incorporació]

112,003- Cercamon

7, 14. mos cors: We have followed Jeanroy in emending mon cor to mos cors; the scribe probably took mon cor as object of dezira and consira.

8. Here and throughout the poem, though not with complete consistency, Jeanroy adds u after c and g (guerpira).
16. greu is Jeanroy’s correction; the lady is difficult, not easy, to win.
21. Jeanroy emends joi to jois, which is not necessary.
24. o sol que d’aitant: Jeanroy prints f’s reading e sivals d’aitant.
25. dixes: Jeanroy prints disses.
28. diz: Jeanroy prints dig.
30. quant denan lei partis: Jeanroy prints f’s reading quant de lei (leis f) mi partis.
32. mi amera: Jeanroy prints f’s reading ill m’amera.
33. mas eu no sai lo seu voler: Jeanroy prints f’s reading al re no (non f) sai de son (del sieu f) voler.
36. Gencer en est mon: Jeanroy prints f’s reading Genser domna el mon (mont f).
40. Jeanroy prints f’s reading Dieus si poirai (poiray f) l’ora veder (vezer f).









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