1. Pus: Jeanroy prints Puois.
2. lor fuelhas: We follow Jeanroy in rejecting C’s las fuelhas as a lectio facilior, in favor of the reading of ADIK.
11. ni los frays: Jeanroy emends to ni·ls enfrays, following DIKa.
16. escas: Jeanroy prints escars.
18. Jeanroy adopts ADIK’s los deya for Ca’s lo deya.
19. Ist trobador: We follow Jeanroy in rejecting C’s unique reading Li t., in favor of all other MSS.
23. donas, em pantays: Jeanroy prints dompnas, en pantays.
24. Jeanroy prints cui for cuy; also, he lists A’s reading as mout volon escoutar, but the MS reads mout vol hom.
28. Escassedatz: Jeanroy prints Escarsetatz.
29. din: Jeanroy prints dinz; also, he lists delbajs as C’ s reading, but the MS reads de bays; he emends to d’Abays, following a. bais means “kiss,” and is not attested meaning “low”; we have thus followed Jeanroy in adopting a’s reading.
30. layssa, yssir: Jeanroy prints laissa, issir.
31. vey, fallir: Jeanroy prints vei, faillir.
35. que Dieus: Jeanroy prints qui Dieus.
36. e totz vius: Jeanroy emends this to o totz vius.
37. Dejeanne suggested emending ni cobrir to ni·ns cobrir.
44. que son: Jeanroy emends this to qu’en son.
49-56. We have reversed the order of tornadas as they exist in a, suggested by the rhyme-scheme: abcb of stanza 9 mirrors the abcb of each stanza’s first quatrain; caca mirrors, with an important metrical repetition characteristic of final lines (cf. the tornada of Song 3), each stanza’s last couplet.
49. Jeanroy does not list a’s reading Fagz el.
53. diz: Jeanroy prints dis; he also corrects qe to qi.
56. Jeanroy emends no·n pot hom to be·n pot hom, but refrains from translating the result. |