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Wolf, George; Rosenstein, Roy. The Poetry of Cercamon and Jaufre Rudel. New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc, 1983

[CdT en procés d'incorporació]

262,002- Jaufre Rudel de Blaja

8 . Bertoni (1915) argues for a small s in lo senhor; he is followed by Lewent (1961).
16. alberc: Lejeune (1959) argues for amor.
21. c’ab bels digz jauzira solatz: Burger (1966) proposes C’s qu’ab cortes ginh jauzis solatz; Jeanroy’s text bears the probable misprintet tan vezis; Lejeune (1959) emends to jauzirai·s.
23. qan veirai cest’: Jeanroy prints MMaRa’s s’ieu ja la vey; our text agrees with Stimming. Lejeune (1959) prints cest (for cest’), which may be a misprint.
26. portz: Jeanroy prints pas, following CMMaRSeb.
27. For devis, cf. Cercamon 3.33.
37. formet: Lejeune prints fermet, “fixed.”
39. q’en breu veia l’: Jeanroy emends to qu’ieu veya sest’; our text agrees with Stimming.
40. en locs: Jeanroy prints DEIKMSg’s en tal(s); our text agrees with Stimming.
47, 50. tan taïs: Stimming prints tant ahis, and is followed by Lejeune. Jeanroy emends to m’es atahis, and takes atahis to be a masculine form of atahina. However, given the form taïn, “delay,” (Levy, PD, p. 356), from Germ. taheins, “diversion,” the form ahis seems indefensible; see FEW, 17, 291, and Donatz Proensals, ed. J.H. Marshall, 813: ataïnar, “to impede.” taïs is thus a participle meaning “kept from, withheld.”
48, 51. pairis: Lejeune takes Jaufre to be referring to William IX of Aquitaine.








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