Testimonis - Zeugnisse - Witnesses - Testimonios - Témoignages - Testimoni - Testimoniatges Chambers, Frank M.. Three Troubadour Poems with Historical Overtones. "Speculum", 54/1 (1979), pp. 42-54. 329,001 - Peire de Bragairac MANUSCRIPTS: I (196), K (181), d (338). (1) Note: 1) All designations of manuscripts are taken from Pillet-Carstens (see Presentation, note 1).
Testimonis - Zeugnisse - Witnesses - Testimonios - Témoignages - Testimoni - Testimoniatges
Chambers, Frank M.. Three Troubadour Poems with Historical Overtones. "Speculum", 54/1 (1979), pp. 42-54.
329,001 - Peire de Bragairac
MANUSCRIPTS: I (196), K (181), d (338). (1) Note: 1) All designations of manuscripts are taken from Pillet-Carstens (see Presentation, note 1).
MANUSCRIPTS: I (196), K (181), d (338). (1)
1) All designations of manuscripts are taken from Pillet-Carstens (see Presentation, note 1).
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