Testimonis - Zeugnisse - Witnesses - Testimonios - Témoignages - Testimoni - Testimoniatges

Nicholson, Derek E. T. The Poems of the Troubadour Peire Rogier. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1976.

356,007 - Peire Rogier

Twenty-two MSS. A 207 (599); C 196; D 136-468; Dc 255 (144, AdM., 13,387) (stanzas III, IV, VI); E 175; I 155; K 141; R 6-20; T 189; U 138 (Archiv., 35, 459); a1 475 (223); β2 1154 (stanza VI) (Bohs, p. 271; Denkmäler, pp. 175-6); Raimbaut d’Orange G 89 (p. 277).

Appel did not employ Dc and did not have a1 at his disposal.

The quotations from the Breviari d’Amor (Azaïs’ edition):

Lines           32,617-23 (stanza III).
Lines           32,634-40 (stanza IV).

They are not given in (A). (Page missing.)

(B)    229 verso

(C)    231 recto and verso

They are not given in (D). (Ends at 31,461.).

(F)     229 verso

(G)    ? verso and ? verso

(H)    229 recto

(I)     242 recto

(K)    227 recto

Line 32,637 missing.

(L)     237 verso

(M)    251 recto

(N)    234 recto








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