Testimonis - Zeugnisse - Witnesses - Testimonios - Témoignages - Testimoni - Testimoniatges

Shepard,William P.. Two Provençal Tenzoni. "Modern Philology", 23.1 (1925), pp. 17-28

010,003=016,003 - Aimeric de Peguillan

Manuscripts (1) and reprints: Da 200 (Nalbertz en naimerics de piguillan); Dc 247 (Naimeris de pigillan; verses 23-24 only; Teulié et Rossi, Annales du Midi, XIII, 200); E p. 214 (Tenso; Mahn, Gedichte, No. 330); G 98 (De naimeric e dalbertet; Bertoni, Il canzoniere provenzale della Biblioteca Ambrosiana R 71 sup., p. 315); I 152 (Nalbertetz e naimerics de piguillan; Mahn, Gedichte, No. 693); K 138 (Nalbertetz e naimerics de piguillan); a2 p. 557 (La tenso den albert e den aimeric; Bertoni, Il canzoniere provenzale di Bernart Amoros, p. 394). (2)



1) For explanation of these letters and description of the MSS see Jeanroy, Bibliographie sommaire des chansonniers provençaux. I have examined and collated myself the MSS DEIKMOR; for the others (Ga), I rely on the diplomatic editions due to Bertoni.

2) This tenso was once found in the MS R, among the leaves now missing, as is shown by the early table at the beginning.








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