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S. C. Aston

I. All my thoughts are centred on love and song, for in these two joyous and courteous occupations have I set my skill and heart; and since love with sweet pleasure exalts me, truly must my song be joyful and of great worth because my lady has made so many agreements with me, wherefore I live ever in fair expectation.
II. When I first beheld her she pleased me so much that I lost my heart entirely; hers did it become and still does it remain with her. There did I find much loving friendship and sweet pleasures and courteous manners; but if I rejoice on account of her friendship, because she is so far from me do I suffer grief and tribulation.
III. If a man wishes to possess love with the least amount of sorrow, let him heed and take care that neither wrong nor justice make him wrathful. Just as the sun casts itself through cold glass with such force that a fire is kindled on the other side, so is love the worst possible torment since it brings together vexation and unseemliness.
IV. The sufferings of love will never be so great that amid great misfortunes there is not some benefit, for otherwise I do not think a man could suffer it; and when it befalls that a man’s lot is a happy one, never will his good fortune be so sure and pleasing that he may not forthwith have troubled thoughts which oppress his joy and happiness.
V. But yet, when two friends have quarrelled and been brought to great sorrow, when sincerity and pity reunite them, full sweet and pleasant is the reconciliation afterwards, for then does a new joy come to them; but I do not desire foolish anger to turn my heart, which is now safe, into so perilous a course.
VI. Ever will I be well disposed towards my lady and truly will I be hers whomsoever it may displease; no one can take this intention from me. Oft do I recall her deeds and countenance and remember how good and fair and gracious she is; with all my mind do I seek her love for in no other joy do I set my trust.









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