I. If at one time Love caused me grief and brought me sorrow, now does it keep me joyful and gay, wherefore I sing according to the pleasure that is mine. For I have attained a greater joy than was my right; and when exalted rank humbles itself, humility is exalted.
II. I thank my lady and am beholden to her for the happiness that is now mine, and never shall I forget the pleasures she has bestowed on me by word and deed; she whom I was wont to love no longer possesses me, for I desire to remain loyally in the service of one more gracious.
III. Henceforth it behoves me to heed the proverb, ‘Let him stir not who is well placed.’ Nor will I do so indeed! For the flame that is fed by love consumes me night and day, wherefore I am purified like gold which is refined in the fire.
IV. It pleases and delights me greatly when it happens that two friends love each other truly and when neither deceives the other, when they know how to conceal their meeting-place and pleasure discreetly so that the troublemaker may not know of their fair friendship.
V. Often would I go to see her, the most gracious that I know, if it did not befall that gossip made me afraid to do so; but my heart is devoted to her wherever she may be, for true love joins and binds many whom a distant land separates.
VI. If I were yonder with the nobles’ crusade (from which no man ever returned here) think not that any hope of paradise could keep me there. So completely have I set my desire on my sweet lady that without her I can know no other joy.
VII. Take thy way henceforth, O song, to my lady, for I know full well that she would fain hearken to thee and behold me.
VIII. Dauphin, if I dared to reveal my desire to anybody, so much do I love your service that you would know the truth about it.