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I. Major Editions and Transcriptions of Manuscripts
Bertoni, Giulio. “Rime provenzali inedite.” Studj di Filologia Romanza, 8 (1901), 423-26. Text of 1, 4, 6, 7. (MS. a)
—. “Nuove rime provenzali.” Studi Romanzi, 2 (1904), 78-79. Text of 8. (MS. a)
—. Il Canzoniere provenzale di Bernart Amoros, Complemento Campori, Fribourg, 1911, pp. 204-7. Text of 3; additional notes on previously printed texts. (MS. a)
Dejeanne, Jean-Marie L. “Le troubadour Cercamon.” Annales du Midi, 17 (1905), 27-62. This edition, which includes all the texts given here, owes much to Jeanroy and is similar to Jeanroy’s 1922 edition.
Grützmacher, L. “Fünfter Bericht an die Gesellschaft für das Studium der neueren Sprachen in Berlin über die in Italien befindlichen provenzalischen Liederhandschriften.” Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 34 (1863), 435. Text of 3. (MS. L)
Jeanroy, Alfred. Les Poésies de Cercamon. CFMA 27. Paris: Champion, 1922. This has been the standard edition and includes all the texts given here.
Mahn, Carl A.F. Gedichte der Troubadours in provenzalischer Sprache. 4 vols. Berlin, 1856-73; rpt. Slatkine, III, 141. Text of 8. (MS. I)
—. “Der Troubadour Cercamon.” Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur, I (1859), 83-100. The first attempt at a critical edition; texts of 2, 3, P-C 112.2, 8.
Mussafia, Adolfo. “Del codice Estense di rime provenzali.” Sitzungsberichte der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wien, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, 55 (1867), 445-46. Text of 5. (MS. D)
Pakscher, A., and Cesare De Lollis. “Il canzoniere provenzale A (Cod. Vat. 5232).” Studj di Filologia Romanza, 3 (1891), 444-45. Text of 8. (MS. A)
Pelaez, Mario. “Il canzoniere provenzale L.” Studi Romanzi, 16 (1921), 144. Text of 3. (MS. L)
Tortoreto, Valeria. Il trovatore Cercamon. Modena: S.T.E.M.-Mucchi, 1981. Appeared too late to be consulted.
II. English Translations and Major Anthologies
Appel, Carl. Provenzalische Chrestomathie. 6th ed. Leipzig, 1930; rpt. Olms, p. 53. Text of 3.
Audiau, Jean, and René Lavaud. Nouvelle Anthologie des troubadours. Paris: Delagrave, 1928, pp. 19-22. Text and trans. of 3.
Bartsch, Karl. Chrestomathie provençale. 6th ed. rev. E. Koschwitz. Marburg, 1904; rpt. AMS, cols. 51-54. Text of 5.
Blackburn, Paul. Proensa: An Anthology of Troubadour Poetry, intro. G. Economou. Berkeley: California, 1978, pp. 25–30. Trans. of 2, 4,5.
Bonner, Anthony. Songs of the Troubadours. New York: Schocken, 1972, pp. 42-43. Trans. of 3.
Goldin, Frederick. Lyrics of the Troubadours and Trouvères. New York: Doubleday, 1973; rpt. Smith, pp. 96-99. Text and trans. of 3.
Hamlin, Frank R., Peter T. Ricketts, and John Hathaway. Introduction à l’étude de l’ancien provençal. Geneva: Droz, 1967, pp. 59-63. Text of vida, 8.
Hill, Raymond T., and Thomas G. Bergin. Anthology of the Provençal Troubadours. 2nd. ed., ed. Bergin et al. 2 vols. New Haven: Yale, 1973; I, 27-30. Texts of 1, 3.
Meyer, Paul. Recueil d’anciens textes bas-latins, provençaux et français, 1re partie. Paris, 1877, pp. 70-72. Text of 5.
Nelli, René, and René Lavaud. Les Troubadours. 2 vols. Bruges: Desclée de Brouwer, 1960, 1966; II, 38-42. Text and trans. of 3.
Pound, Ezra. Translations. Intro. Hugh Kenner. New York: New Directions, 1963, pp. 428-31. Trans. of 3.
Purcell, Sally. Provençal Poems. Oxford: Carcanet, 1969, pp. 24-25. Trans. of 3.
Riquer, Martin de. Los Trovadores. 3 vols. Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, 1975; I, 220-35. Texts and trans. of vida, 1, 3, 4, 8.
Rochegude, Henri de. Le Parnasse occitanien. Toulouse, 1817, p. 250. Text of 3.
Wilhelm, James J. Medieval Song: An Anthology of Hymns and Lyrics. New York: Dutton, 1971, pp. 118-20. Trans. of 3.
III. Critical Writings and Related Works
Adams, Edward L. Word Formation in Provençal. New York: Macmillan, 1913.
Angélique, Janine. Le Troubadour Cercamon. Mémoire de Licence à l’Université de Liège, 1970. Thorough treatment of various aspects of Cercamon studies.
Anglade, Joseph. Grammaire de l’ancien provençal. Paris: Klincksieck, 1922.
—. Review of Dejeanne. Annales du midi, 36 (1924), 320-22. Notes Jeanroy’s omission of the “chansonnier de Sault.”
Appel, Carl. “Tristan bei Cercamon?” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 41 (1921), 219-27. Argues that Cercamon mentions Tristan in 7.38.
Bertoni, Giulio. “Noterelle provenzali.” Revue des Langues Romanes, 45 (1902), 348-52. Notes that the discovery of 1 in MS. a supports Rajna’s conclusion about 2; confirms Mahn’s attribution of 8 to Cercamon.
Bloch, Marc. La Société féodale. Paris: Albin Michel, 1939.
Brucker, Charles. “Pour une étude stylistique de l’adjectif dans la poésie lyrique d’oc et d’oil: Cercamon.” Mélanges Charles Camproux. Montpellier, 1978, 57-70.
Brunel, Clovis. Review of Dejeanne. Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Chartes, 84 (1923), 388. Brief favorable notice.
Camproux, Charles. “A propos d’une chanson pieuse.” Revue des Langues Romanes, 77 (1965), 19-38. Detailed commentary on Jeanroy’s text and trans. of 6; concludes that it is the beginning of trobar clus.
Cluzel, Irenée M. “Les plus anciens troubadours et la légende amoureuse de Tristan et Iseult.” Mélanges István Frank. Saarbrucken, 1957, pp. 155-70. Argues in this and following articles in favor of Appel’s view.
—. “Cercamon a connu Tristan.” Romania, 80 (1959), 275-82 .
—. Review of Delbouille (1959). Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 3 (1960), 362.
Delbouille, Maurice. “Cercamon n’a pas connu Tristan.” Mélanges Angelo Monteverdi. 2 vols. Modena, 1959; I, 198-206. Argues in this and following articles against Appel’s view.
—. “Non, Cercamon n’a pas connu Tristan.” Romania, 81 (1960), 409-25.
—. “Tristan dans la pièce Ab lo pascor de Cercamon.” Romania, 87 (1966), 234-47. Responds to Lejeune’s article of 1959.
De Lollis, Cesare. “Proposte di correzioni ed osservazioni ai testi provenzali del ms. Campori.” Studj di Filologia Romanza, 9 (1902), 153-55. Comments on Bertoni’s semi-diplomatic edition.
Dumitrescu, Maria. “L’escola N‘Eblon et ses représentants.” Mélanges Rita Lejeune, Gembloux, 1969; I, 107-18. Illuminating hypotheses on trobadors and the “school of Ebles.”
Errante, Guido. Marcabru e le fonti sacre dell’antica lirica romanza. Florence: Sansoni, 1948. Adduces some Biblical passages which shed light on Cercamon’s poems.
Faral, Edmond. “La pastourelle.” Romania, 49 (1923), 241-42. Suggests that a la uzansa antiga in the vida means “in the manner of the ancients.”
FEW: See Wartburg.
Frank, István. Répertoire métrique de la poésie des troubadours. Paris: Champion, 1953, 1957.
Gallais, Pierre. “Bléheri, la cour de Poitiers et la diffusion des récits arthuriens sur le continent.” Actes du VIIe Congrès National de Littérature Comparée. Paris, 1967, 47-79. Suggests that Bleheri imported Breton matter to William IX’s court; mentions Arthurian themes in troubadours.
Jeanroy, Alfred. “Sur la tençon Car vei fenir a tot dia.” Romania, 19 (1890), 394-402. Agrees with Rajna (1877) against Zenker (1881).
—. Review of Zenker (1892). Romania, 22 (1893), 316-17. Acknowledgment of concessions by Zenker.
Kastner, Leon E. “Marcabrun and Cercamon.” Modern Language Review, 26 (1931), 91-96. Argues that Cercamon could not have been the teacher of Marcabru.
Köhler, Erich. “Sens et fonction du terme jeunesse dans la poésie des troubadours.” Mélanges René Crozet. Poitiers, 1966, pp. 569-83. Explains “youth” in terms of the rise of the petty knighthood.
—. “Die Sirventes-Kanzone: ‘genre bâtard’ oder legitime Gattung?” Mélanges Rita Lejeune. Gembloux, 1969; I, 159-83. Says that this genre reflects the situation vs. the aspirations of the petty knighthood.
Kolsen, Adolf. “Zu Appels Artikel über Cercamon, Ab lo pascor.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 41 (1921), 553-54. Agrees with Appel’s reading Tristan, and emends enqer to encor in 7.38.
Lawner, Lynne. “Norman ni frances.” Cultura Neolatina, 30 (1970), 223-32. Suggests that this phrase refers to the humanistic Latin poets of the Loire School.
Lejeune, Rita. “L’allusion à Tristan chez le troubadour Cercamon.” Romania, 83 (1962), 183-209. Re-edits 7 and argues for Appel’s view with Kolsen’s emendation.
Levi, Ezio. “Due trovatori antichissimi nell’onomastica italiana del sec. XII:
Marcabru e Cercamon.” Romania, 55 (1929), 254-56. Adduces later evidence of persons called Cercamundus and Marcabrunus in Italy.
Levy, Emil. Petit Dictionnaire provençal-français. Heidelberg: Winter, 1909. (PD)
—. Provenzalisches Supplement-Wörterbuch. 8 vols. Leipzig: Reisland, 1894-1924; rpt. Olms. (SW)
Marshall, John H. “Le vers au XIIe siècle: genre poétique?” Revue de Langue et Littérature d’Oc, 12-13 (1962-63), 55-63. Valuable reflections on the sense of the word vers at various periods of the 12th and 13th centuries: vers came to evoke the earliest troubadour period.
Meyer, Paul. Review of Bertoni (1902). Romania, 33 (1904), 299-300. Brief notice.
Mölk, Ulrich. Trobar Clus-Trobar Leu. Munich: Fink, 1968, 15-40. Comments on the relationship of Cercamon’s poems to the origin of trobar clus.
Mouzat, Jean. “Quelques hypothèses sur les poèmes perdus d’Eble II, Vicomte de Ventadour.” Cultura Neolatina, 18 (1958), 111-20. Attributes several poems to Ebles with debatable success.
Paris, Gaston. Review of Zenker (1899). Romania, 18 (1889), 629. Brief notice.
P-C: Pillet, Alfred, and Henry Carstens. Bibliographie der Troubadours. Halle, 1933; rpt. New York: Franklin, 1968.
Pillet, Alfred. “Beiträge zur Kritik der ältesten Trobadors.” 89. Jahresbericht der Schlesischen Gesellschaft für Vaterländische Cultur. Breslau, 1911, 7-8. Comments on the internal rhyme of 7.
Pirot, François. Recherches sur les connaissances littéraires des troubadours occitans et catalans des XIIe et XIIIe siècles: Les sirventes-ensenhamens de Guerau de Cabrera, Guiraut de Calanson, et Bertrand de Paris. Memorias de la Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona, 14. Barcelona, 1972. Sheds historical light on the earliest troubadour period.
Pollmann, Leo. Die Liebe in der hochmittelalterlichen Literatur Frankreichs. Frankfurt: Klostermann, 1966. Uses the love poems as evidence for characterizing the love ethic of the “school of Ebles.”
Rajna, Pio. “Spigolature provenzali, I: Cercalmon, Car vei fenir a tot dia.” Romania, 6 (1877), 115-19. First article to note correct date of 2.
Raynouard, François J.M. Lexique roman. 6 vols. Paris, 1836-44; rpt. Winter.
Rieger, Dietmar. Gattungen und Gattungsbezeichnungen der Trobadorlyrik. Untersuchungen zum altprovenzalischen Sirventes. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 148. Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1976. Theorizes on the constitution of a system of poetic genres among the troubadours.
Römer, Ludwig. Die volkstümlichen Dichtungsarten der altprovenzalischen Lyrik. Excursus: Untersuchung über die Cercalmon zugeschriebenen Gedichte. Ausgaben und Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der romanischen Philologie, 26. Marburg, 1884. Discusses the attribution of Cercamon’s poems, with stress on form; R. considers the poems relevant to his discussion of folk poetry.
Roncaglia, Aurelio. “Marcabruno, Lo vers comens quan vei del fau. I: Marcabruno e Cercamondo.” Cultura Neolatina, II (1951), 25-27. Presents previous scholars’ arguments against Cercamon as teacher of Marcabru.
Scheludko, Dimitri. “Über die Theorien der Liebe bei den Trobadors: Cercamon.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 60 (1940), 213-20. Portrays Cercamon’s conception of love as derived from William IX and Marcabru.
Spanke, Hans. Untersuchungen über die Ursprünge des romanischen Minnesangs. Zweiter Teil: Marcabrustudien. Abhandlungen der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, Dritte Folge, 24. Gottingen, 1940. Contains valuable comments on the form of Cercamon’s poems in relation to Marcabru and to liturgical music.
Stengel, Edmund. Review of Mahn (1859). Jahrbuch für Romanische und Englische Literatur, 12 (1871), 239-40. Further clarification of Mahn’s misidentification of Raynouard’s quotation.
Suchier, Walther. Review of Pillet (1911). Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 36 (1912),504-06. Brief notice.
Thiolier-Méjean, Suzanne. Les Poésies satiriques et morales des troubadours du XIIe à la fin du XIIIe siècle. Paris: Nizet, 1979. Thorough thematic treatment of troubadour satire.
Tobler, Adolf. “Nachtrag zu Mahn’s Artikel über Cercamon.” Jahrbuch für
Romanische und Englische Literatur, I (1859), 212-14. Discovers Mahn’s omission of 5, owing to a misidentification of a quotation of Raynouard.
—. Review of Jeanroy (1890). Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 15 (1891), 276. Brief notice with suggested emendation of 2 .
Tortoreto, Valeria. “Cercamon, maestro di Marcabru?” Cultura Neolatina, 36 (1976), 61-93. Adduces evidence in favor of the statement that Cercamon was the master of Marcabru.
Wartburg, Walther von. Französisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 31 vols. Bonn, et al., 1922-date.
Zenker, Rudolf. “Zu Guilhem Ademar, Eble d’Uisel, und Cercamon.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 13 (1889), 294-300. Attempts to identify the maïstre in 2 with Raimon de Miraval instead of Cercamon.
—. “Zu Peire d’Alvernhes Satire und nochmals Car vei fenir.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 16 (1892), 437-51. Defends his hypothesis against Jeanroy (1890) but makes some concessions.
[Jaufre Rudel]
I. Major Editions and Transcriptions of Manuscripts
Battaglia, Salvatore. Jaufre Rudel e Bernardo di Ventadorn: Liriche. Speculum: Raccolta di testi medievali e moderni, 3. Naples, 1949. Order of poems follows Casella.
Bendazzi, Gianalberto. “Canzoni di Jaufre Rudel.” Lettore di Provincia: Testi, ricerche, critica, 25–26 (1976), 62–72. Jeanroy’s text; order of poems 632145 .
Bertoni, Giulio. Il Canzoniere provenzale di Bernart Amoros. Complemento Campori. Fribourg: Gschwend, 1911, pp. 337–39. Text of 5, 6. (MS. a)
Brakelmann, Julius. “Die altfranzosische Liederhandschrift Nr. 389 der Stadtbibliothek zu Bern.” Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 42 (1868), 357–58. Text of 4. (MS. h)
Casella, Mario. Jaufre Rudel: Liriche. Florence: Fussi, 1946. Order of poems 346125; mostly follows Jeanroy for the text; interpretative and musical notes.
Gauchat, L. “Les poesies provençales conservees par des chansonniers français.” Romania, 22 (1893), 393. Text of 6. (MS. W)
Grützmacher, G. “Die provenzalische Liederhandschrift der Laurenziana Bibliothek in Florenz.” Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 35 (1864),450–51. Text of 4. (MS. U)
Jeanroy, Alfred. Les Chansons de Jaufre Rudel. CFMA, 15. Paris: Champion, 1915; 2nd ed. 1924. Order of poems follows Stimming.
Lecoy, Felix. Jean Renart: Le Roman de la Rose ou de Guillaume de Dôle. CFMA, 91. Paris: Champion, 1962, p. 41, lines 1301–07. (MS. e)
Mahn, Carl A.F. Gedichte der Troubadours in provenzalischer Sprache. 4 vols. Berlin, 1856; rpt. Geneva: Slatkine; I, 53, 87, 90. Text of 4, 5, 6. (MS . B)
Meyer, Paul, and Gaston Raynaud. Le Chansonnier français de Saint Germain des Prés. SATF, 32. Paris, 1892. Fol. 81v; facsimile of 6, with music. (MS. X)
Monaci, Ernesto. Poesia e vita di Jaufre Rudel. Testi romanzi per uso delle scuole, fasc. 5. Rome, 1903 . Order of poems 36412, Qui no sap, 5, vida.
Mussafia, Adolfo. “Del codice Estense di rime provenzali.” Sitzungsberichte der königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Wein, Phil.-Hist. Klasse, 55 (1867), 434–35. Text of 4. (MS. D)
Pakscher, A., and Cesare De Lollis. “Il canzoniere provenzale A (Cod. Vaticano 5232).” Studj di Filologia Romanza, 3 (1891), 393–96; “Il canzoniere provenzale B,” 700–1. Text of vida, 4, 5, 6. (MSS. A, B)
Pellegrini, Silvio. “Un frammento inedito di canzoniere provenzale.” Anuario de Estudios Medievales (Barcelona), 4 (1967), 390; also in Studi Mediolatini e Volgari, 15–16 (1968), 96–97. Text of 6. (MS. Ma)
Pickens, Rupert T. The Songs of Jaufre Rudel. Studies and Texts, 41. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 1978. Order of poems follows Jeanroy; prints every manuscript version.
Pillet, Alfred. “Die altprovenzalische Liederhandschrift N2 (Cod. Phillipps 1910 der königlichen Bibliothek zu Berlin), III.” Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 102 (1899), 192–93. Text of vida and 5. (MS. NZ)
Richter, Reinhilt. Die Troubadourzitate im Breviari d’Amor: kritische Ausgabe der provenzalischen Überlieferung. Modena: S.T.E.M.-Mucchi, 1976, p. 303. Quotes stanza 2 of No. 3. (MS. ex)
Ricketts, Peter T. Le Breviari d’Amor de Matfre Ermengau, tome V (27252T–34597). Leiden: Brill, 1976. Quotes stanza 2 of No. 3 (29417–22) . (MS. ex)
Shepard, William P. The Oxford Provençal Chansonnier. Elliott Monographs in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 21. Princeton, 1927; pp. 169–70. Text of 4, 6. (MS. S)
Stimming, Albert. Der Troubadour Jaufre Rudel, sein Leben und seine Werke. Berlin, 1873. Order of poems 541263.
II. English Translations and Major Anthologies
Appel, Carl. Provenzalische Chrestomathie. 6th ed. Leipzig, 1930; rpt. Olms; pp. 54–55. Text of 6.
Audiau, Jean, and René Lavaud. Nouvelle Anthologie des troubadours. Paris: 1928; pp. 23–28. Text and trans. of 4, 6.
Bartsch, Karl. Chrestomathie provençale. 6th ed. rev. E. Koschwitz. Marburg, 1904; rpt. AMS; cols. 59–60. Text of 4.
Bec, Pierre. Nouvelle Anthologie de la lyrique occitane du moyen âge. 2nd ed. Avignon: Aubanel, 1972; pp. 177–85. Text of vida, text and trans. of 4, 6.
Blackburn, Paul. Proensa: An Anthology of Troubadour Poetry. Berkeley: California, 1978; pp. 67–71. Trans. of 4, 6.
Bonner, Anthony. Songs of the Troubadours. New York: Schocken, 1972; pp. 61–67. Trans. of 2, 4, 6.
Costello, Louisa S. Specimens of the Early Poetry of France from the Time of the Troubadours and Trouveres to the Reign of Henri Quatre. London, 1835; pp. 14–15. Trans. of stanzas 1–3 of 1.
Flores, Angel. An Anthology of Medieval Lyrics. New York: Modern Library, 1962; pp. 25–29. Trans. of 3 (Harvey Birenbaum), 4 (Maurice Valency), 6 (William M. Davis).
—. Medieval Age. New York: Dell, 1963; pp. 176–78. Trans. of 6 (Muriel Kittel).
Goldin, Frederick. Lyrics of the Troubadours and Trouvères. New York: Doubleday, 1973; rpt. Smith; pp. 100–107. Text and trans. of 4, 6.
Hamlin, Frank R., Peter T. Ricketts, and John Hathaway. Introduction à l’etude de l’ancien provençal. Geneva: Droz; pp. 87–94. Text of vida, 1, 6.
Hill, Raymond T., and Thomas G. Bergin. Anthology of the Provençal Troubadours. New Haven: Yale, 1941. 2nd ed. 2 vols. 1973; 1, 31–36. Text of 1, 3, 4, 6.
Lommatzsch, Erhard. Leben und Lieder der provenzalischen Troubadours. 2 vols. Berlin: Akademie, 1957; 1, 6–8, 152–53. Text and music of 4, 6.
Mahn, Carl A.F. Die Werke der Troubadours in provenzalischer Sprache. 4 vols. Berlin, 1846–53; I, 61–66. Prints all of Raynouard’s texts.
Moffett, Martha L. Love Poems of the Troubadours. New York and Cleveland: World, 1971; pp. 82–87. Trans. of 1 (Louisa S. Costello), 6 (from 19th cent. sources).
Nelli, René, and René Lavaud. Les Troubadours. 2 vols. Bruges: Descleé de Brouwer, 1960, 1966; II, 48–54. Text and trans. of 4, 6.
Press, Alan R. Anthology of Troubadour Lyric Poetry. Austin: Texas, 1971; pp. 30–39. Text and trans. of 3, 4, 5, 6.
Purcell, Sally. Provençal Poems. Oxford: Carcanet, 1969; pp. 34–35. Trans. of 6.
Raynouard, François J.M. Choix des poésies originales des troubadours. 6 vols. Paris, 1816-21; rpt. Osnabruck; III, 94–103. Text of 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; text of vida in V, 165.
Riquer, Martin de. Los Trovadores. 3 vols. Barcelona: Editorial Planeta, 1975; 1,15–69. Text and trans. of vida, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Rochegude, Henri-Pascal de. Le Parnasse occitanien. Toulouse, 1817; pp. 19–22. Text of vida; text and trans. of 1.
Roncaglia, Aurelio. Venticinque poesie dei primi trovatori. Testi e manuali, 28. Modena: S.T.E.M., 1949; pp. 47–56. Text of vida 1, 3, 4, 6.
Smythe, Barbara. Trobador Poets: Selections from the Poems of Eight Trobadors. London, 1929; rpt. Cooper Square; pp. 11–24· Trans. of 3, 4, 5, 6.
Trask, Willard R. Medieval Lyrics of Europe. New York and Cleveland: New American Library, 1969; pp. 25–26. Trans. of 6.
Wilhelm, James J. Medieval Song: An Anthology of Hymns and Lyrics. New York: Dutton, 1971; pp. 130–34. Trans. of 3, 6.
Ill. Critical Writings and Related Works
Allegretto, Manuela. Il luogo dell’amore. Studio su Jaufre Rudel. Biblioteca dell’ Archivum Romanicum, serie I, 146. Florence: Olschki, 1979. Literary analysis, with emphasis on syntactical features.
Andrae, A. “Weiterleben und Verbreitung einiger alten Stoffe.” Romanische Forschungen, 27 (1910), 351. Mentions the authors who deal with the theme of amor de loing.
Andresen, Hugo. Zu Jaufre Rudel. Halle, 1917. Prefers val to vau at 4.11.
Appel, Carl. “Wierderum zu Jaufre Rude!.” Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 107 (1901), 338–49. Argues for the Virgin Mary as the amor de loing.
Barbieri, Giovanni M. Dell’origine della poesia rimata. Ed. G. Tiraboschi. Modena, 1790; pp. 71–72. Recounts the legend and quotes from Jaufre’s poems.
Barrington, Michael. Blaye, Roland, Rudel, and the Lady of Tripoli. Salisbury: Bennett, 1953. Rambling treatment of the legend and the poems, in the context of the Crusade, and of Blaye.
Bastero, Antonio. La crusca provenzale. Rome, 1724.
Battaglia, Salvatore. La coscienza letteraria del Medioevo. Naples: Liguori, 1965, pp. 241–62. Survey of the poetic and spiritual aspects of Jaufre’s oeuvre.
Bertoni, Giulio. “Due poesie di Jaufre Rude!.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 35 (1911), 533–42. Edits a’s version of 3, and Qui no sap esser chantaire.
—. Review of Jeanroy (1915). Annales du Midi, 27 (1915), 217–22. For details see Textual Notes.
Bianchi, Lorenzo. “Commento a tre liriche carducciane.” Convivium, 25 (1957), 564–70. Critical ed. and discussion of Carducci’s poem.
Blum, P. “Der Troubadour Jaufre Rudel und sein Fortleben in der Literatur.” Jahresbericht der 2. Königlichen Staatsrealschule in Brunn, 1912. Surveys the legend, as well as the works of Uhland, Heine, Carducci and Rostand.
Bond, Gerald A. The Poetry of Count William VII of Poitiers, IX Duke of Aquitaine. New York: Garland, 1982.
Bouillon, E. Review of Crescini (1890). Romania, 19 (1890), 500–50l. Approves.
Boussard, Jacques, ed. Historia pontificum et comitum engolismensium. Paris: D’Argences, 1957.
Braet, Herman. Review of Pickens (1978). Romanische Forschungen, 92 (1980), 448–49 . Brief, favorable review.
Browning, Robert. Poetry and Prose. Oxford: Clarendon, 1941.
Burger, Andre. “Lanquand li jorn son lone en mai: une chanson d’amour et de croisade.” Mélanges René Crozet. 2 vols. Poitiers, 1966; II,777–80. Comments on Lejeune’s edition.
Carducci, Giosue. “Jaufre Rudel, poesia antica e moderna.” Edizione Nazionale delle Opere; VII, 205–38; (also Bologna, 1888). Discusses Leopardi’s Consalvo; traces history of the legend.
Casella, Mario. “Poesia e storia: II, Jaufre Rude!.” Archivio Storico Italiano, 96 (1938, vol. 2), 153-–99. Criticizes Jeanroy and Paris for insensitive assessment of Jaufre; argues that the amor de loing has a purely spiritual existence, and is a reflection of Jaufre himself.
Cherchi, Paolo. “Notula sull’amore lontano di Jaufre Rude!.” Cultura Neolatina, 32 (1972), 185–87. Adduces parallel in St. Augustine for falling in love by hearsay.
Cluzel, lrenee M. “Jaufre Rudel et l’amor de lonh.” Romania, 78 (1957), 86–97. Argues that Jaufre, having met “a lady” on Crusade, took a second trip to the Holy Land; proposes new order of poems.
—. Review of Lejeune (1959). Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 3 (1960), 363–65. Brief survey of the legend and its scholarship, followed by a description of Lejeune’s article.
Cocito, Luciana. Jaufre Rudel e Hugon Brun. Genoa: Typis, 1953.
—. Pagine di letteratura romanza. Genoa: Bozzi, 1967; pp. 197–205. Edition of 4.
—. “Una nota rudelliana.” Convivium, 37 (1969), 470–75. Argues that the last stanza of 4 was added by a later jongleur and refers to events which took place at the beginning of the 13th century.
Condren, Edward I. “The Troubadour and his Labor of Love.” Mediaeval Studies, 34 (1972), 174–95. Suggests that the poems are about desire in general rather than about a real-life lady.
Cravayat, Paul. “Les Origines du troubadour Jaufre Rudel.” Romania, 71 (1950), 166–79. Gives the facts about Jaufre’s life.
Crescimbeni, Giovanni M. L’istoria della volgar poesia. Rome, 1698.
Crescini, Vincenzo. “Appunti su Jaufre Rude!.” Atti e Memorie della Regia Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Padova, Nuova Serie, 6. Padova, 1890; 177–90. Argues against Suchier; see Textual Notes.
—. “Jaufre Rudel.” Per gli studi romanzi. Padova, 1892; pp. 1–18.
Crist, Larry S. “Dieu ou ma dame: The Polysemic Object of Love in Jaufre Rudel’s Lanquan li jorn.” Marche Romane, 29 (1979), 61–75. Analyzes 6 structurally.
De Lollis, Cesare. Review of Appel (1901). Studj di Filologia Romanza, 9 (1903), 476–77. Noncommittal description.
Del Monte, Alberto. “En durmen sobre chevau.” Filologia Romanza, 2 (1955), 140–47. On reality and dream visions in Jaufre.
Diament, Henri. “De la possibilite d’une structure semantico-syntaxique hebraique dans la langue des troubadours provençaux.” Romance Notes, 20 (1979–80), 125–34. On the phrase jauzitz jauzen [Ed. Jeanroy].
Diez, Friedrich C. Leben und Werke der Troubadours. Leipzig, 1829. 2nd ed., 1882; rpt. Olms, pp. 46–53. Identifies the Countess of Tripoli with Melisende, and the coms en Tolza with Raymond V.
Döblin, Alfred. Hamlet; oder, Die lange Nacht nimmt ein Ende. Berlin: Rütten & Loening, 1956.
Dragonetti, Roger. “Aizi et aizimen chez les plus anciens troubadours.” Mélanges Maurice Delbouille. Gembloux, 1964; II,127–53. Discusses aizi in Jaufre.
Dresden, S. Het probleem der literaire werkelijkheid “La princesse lointaine.” Leidse Voordrachten, 15. Leiden, 1954.
Egan, Margarita. Review of Pickens (1978). Speculum, 55 (1980), 172–73. Favorable.
FEW: See Wartburg
Frank, Grace. “The Distant Love of Jaufre Rudel.” Modern Language Notes, 57 (1942), 528–34. Argues that the amor de loing means love of the Holy Land, personified as love of a faraway mistress.
—. “Jaufre Rudel, Casella and Spitzer.” Modern Language Notes, 59 (1944), 526–31. Pleads for a plurality of approaches to medieval texts, unrestricted to Spitzer’s and Casella ‘s aesthetic and metaphysical approaches.
Gegou, Fabienne. “Jean Renart et la lyrique occitane.” Mélanges Pierre le Gentil. Paris, 1973; 319–23. Discusses 1 as it appears in Guillaume de Dôle.
—. “Stendhal et l’amour en ‘Provence’ au Moyen Age.” Cultura Neolatina, 38 (1978), 95–104. Amor de loing illustrates Stendhal’s theories on crystallization.
Heine, Heinrich. Werke. Berlin-Paris: Akademie Verlag-Editions du C.N.R.S., 1979.
Heisig, Karl. “Zur Biographie von Jaufre Rudel.” Die Neueren Sprachen, N.F., 8 (1959), 367–69. Adduces Arabic, Greek, etc., parallels for the “distant princess” theme but nowhere mentions Zade.
Hoepffner, Ernest. “Pour l’étude de Jaufre Rude!.” Romania, 63 (1937), 93–102. Remarks on 3; refines Ortiz’ stylistic comparison with William IX.
—. Les Troubadours dans leurs vies et dans leurs oeuvres. Paris: Colin, 1955. Summary presentation.
Jeanroy, Alfred. “Sur quelques textes provençaux récemment publiés.” Romania, 41 (1912), 107–108. Comments on Bertoni’s new texts of 3 and Qui no sap esser chantaire.
—. La Poésie lyrique des troubadours. 2 vols. Toulouse and Paris, 1934; rpt. Slatkine, II, 17–20. Believes the biography completely fictional; calls poems beginning of hermetic poetry.
Julien-Laferrière, P. “Les families des sires de Blaye aux environs de 1300.” Généalogies du Sud-Ouest, 8 (1979), 10–14.
Köhler, Erich. “Amor de lonh, oder: Der ‘Prinz’ ohne Burg.” Orbis Medievalis: Mélanges R.R. Bezzola. Bern, 1978; pp. 219–34. Explains the amor de loing in terms of the aspirations of the petty knighthood toward integration with the established aristocracy.
Lacombe, Henri. “Du troubadour Rigaut de Barbezieux au troubadour Jaufre Rudel.” Société Archéologique et Historique de la Charente, Angoulême. Mémoires. Annee 1961–62; pp. 205–13. Historical summary.
Lavisse, Ernest. Histoire de France. 9 vols. Paris: Hachette, 1911.
Lefay-Toury, Marie-Noël. “La conscience littéraire chez Jaufre Rudel.” Voyage, Quête, Pélerinage dans la Littérature et la Civilisation Medievales. Senefiance, 2 (1976), 413–30. Argues against any attempt to introduce chronological order into the poems; emphasizes Jaufre’s selfconscious literary attitude.
Lefèvre, Yves. “Jaufre Rudel, professeur de morale.” Annales du Midi, 78 (1966), 415–22. Emphasizes Jaufre’s moralizing lines.
—. “L’Amors de terra lonhdana dans les chansons de Jaufre Rudel.” Mélanges Rita Lejeune. 2 vols. Gembloux: Duculot, 1969; I, 185-96. Argues for the Holy Land as the key to the amor de loing.
—. “Jaufre Rudel et son ‘amour de loin.’’’ Mélanges Pierre le Gentil. Paris, 1973; 461–7. Sees the amor de loing as the love of the Heavenly Jerusalem; sees only 1 as profane.
Lejeune, Rita. “La chanson de l”amour de loin’ de Jaufre Rude!.” Mélanges Angelo Monteverdi. 2 vols. Modena: S.T.E.M., 1959; I, 403–42. Complete edition based on MS. B; see Textual Notes.
Leopardi, Giacomo. Opere. 2 vols. Milan: Ricciardi, 1956–66.
Levy. Emil. Petit Dictionnaire provençal-français. 5th ed. Heidelberg: Winter, 1973 . (PD)
— . Provenzalisches Supplement-Wörterbuch. 8 vols. Leipzig: Reisland, 1894–1924; rpt. Olms. (SW)
—. Review of Stimming. Literaturblatt fur Germanische und Romanische Philologie, 8 (1887), cols. 80–81. Makes a few minor suggestions about the text.
Lewent, Kurt. “Old Provençal desmentir sos pairis.” Modern Language Notes, 72 (1957), 189–93. Traces Jaufre’s influence on a passage of Guilhem Ademar.
—. “On a Passage of Jaufre Rudel.” Modern Language Notes, 76 (1961), 525–32 . Traces Jaufre’s influence on a passage of Guilhem de St. Didier.
Lods, Jeanne. Review of Frank (1942) and Spitzer (1944). Romania, 71 (1950), 117–18. Summarizes both sides ofthe debate; sees advantages in each.
Majorano, Matteo. “Lingua e ideologia nel canzoniere di Jaufres Rudels.” Instituto Universitario Orientale, Napoli: Annali, Sezione Romanza, 16 (1974), 159–201. Comments on each poem from the point of view of the relationship between lyric and social reality and ideology.
Meneghetti, Maria Luisa. “Una vita pericolosa. La ‘mediazione’ biografica e l’interpretazione dell a poesia di Jaufre Rudel.” Cultura Neolatina, 40 (1980), 145–63. Argues against reconstructing the life from the poems; emphasizes the literary critical activity of the biographer.
Meyer, Paul. Les derniers Troubadours de la Provence d’après le chansonnier donné à la Bibliothèque impériale par M. Ch. Giraud. Paris, 1871, [Extracted from Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Chartes, 30 (1869), 245–97, 461–534, 649–87; 31 (1870),412–62].
Monaci, Ernesto. “Ancora di Jaufre Rudel.” Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche, e Filologiche. Serie quinta, 2 (1893), 927–43. See Textual Notes.
Moore, Olin H. “Jaufre Rudel and the Lady of Dreams.” Publications of the Modern Language Association, 29 (1914), 517–36. Agrees with Paris that Jaufre’s use of the theme of amor de loing is strictly conventiona!
Morichi, Tiziana. “La deissi spaziale in Jaufre Rudel e in Bernardo di Ventadorn.” Atti dell’Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 135 (1976–77), 565–78. Examines pronominal and adverbial deictic elements and their significance with respect to space and time in Jaufre.
Müller, Ulrich. “Lügende Dichter? (Ovid, Jaufre Rudel, Oswald von Wolkenstein).” Mélanges Fritz Martini. Stuttgart, 1969, 32–50. Author of Jaufre’s vida mistook poetic fiction in the poems for biography.
Nelli, René. L’Erotique des troubadours. Toulouse: Privat, 1963; 2 vols. rpt. 101r8. Jaufre in the context of courtly love ca. 1150.
Nykl, Alois R. Review of Spitzer (1944). Speculum, 20 (1945), 252–58. Says little about Spitzer; gives his own overview of Jaufre.
Ortiz, Ramiro. “Bons sons ab paubres motz.” Biblioteca degli Studiosi. Naples, 1909. (Rpt. in author’s Varia Romanica, Firenze, 1932, pp. 84–108). Argues that paubres motz refers to Jaufre’s subject matter, not his style.
—. “Intorno a Jaufre Rudel.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 35 (1911), 543–54. (Rpt. in author’s Varia Romanica, pp. 68–83). Finds similarities between Jaufre and William IX; follows Monaci and Savj-Lopez in taking the amor de loing to be terrestrial.
—. “Da Jaufre Rudel ai trovatori armeni.” Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie, 45 (1925), 714–25 . (Rpt. in author’s Varia Romanica, pp. 109–23). Brusque change of tone from profane to sacred at the song’s end is found in Jaufre and in some Armenian poets; Armenian poets also “sign” their poems.
—. “Jaufre Rudel e i giullari .” Cultura Neolatina, 3 (1943), 59–70. Discusses references to Peironet and Fillol; see Textual Notes.
Paden, William D., Jr. “Utrum Copularentur: Of Cors.” L’Esprit Créateur, 19 (1979),70–83. Ambiguity as the structural principle of Jaufre’s art.
Paris, Gaston. “Jaufre Rudel.” Revue Historique, 53 (1893), 225–60. (Rpt. in Mélanges de littérature française du moyen âge, pp. 498–538). Treats the biography as a medieval romance based on the poems; the razos are “romanesque inventions.”
Payen, Jean Ch. “Peregris. De l’amor de lonh au conge courtois.” Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 17 (1974), 247–55. Suggests that songs of a distant love are to be seen in a context of songs of pilgrimage, and hence of crusade songs.
Peirone, Luigi. “Il sogno d’amore di Jaufre Rudel.” Giornale Italiano di Filologia, 9 (1956), 64–70. Argues that the women sung by troubadours are “poetic dreams”; links between practical life and lyrical life are tenuous; sides with Spitzer.
—. “Note Dantesche: Echi di Jaufre Rudel nella Divina Commedia.” Giornale Italiano di Filologia, 19 (1966), 16–18. Seeks to link 3.13–15 to Purg. 8.1–6.
Pellegrini, Silvio. “Jaufre Rudel e la critica.” Mélanges Mario Fubini. 2 vols. Padua, 1970; I, 234–39. Argues against discounting sensual passages as necessarily non-spiritual; advances the possibility of reading 6 on two planes, amorous and political; argues against ordering the poems around a supposed life of the poet.
—. “Appunti (forse provisori) su Jaufre Rudel.” Studi Mediolatini e Volgari, 18 (1970), 77–80. Argues against attempting to reduce Jaufre’s corpus to a single, unified interpretation.
Pickens, Rupert T. “Jaufre Rudel et la poétique de la mouvance.” Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale, 20 (1977), 323–37. Argues that the accidents and changes to Jaufre’s text over the ages render vain any attempt at restitution of the original versions of the poems: each transmitter recreates the poem; it is the function of “mouvance” to transform the text.
Pirot, Franc;ois. Recherches sur les connaissances litteraires des troubadours occitans et catalans des XIIe et XIIle siecies: Les sirventes-ensenhamens de Guerau de Cabrera, Guiraut de Calanson, et Bertran de Paris. Memorias de la Real Academia de Buenas Letras de Barcelona, 14. Barcelona, 1972 .
Pound, Ezra. The Cantos. New York: New Directions, 1972.
Raynouard, François J.M. Lexique roman. 6 vols. Paris, 1836–44; rpt. Winter.
Restori, A. “Jaufre Rudel.” Per l’Arte, 6, No. 7 (1894). Emphasizes the validity of the aesthetic and poetic aspects of the legend.
Richard, Jean. Le Comte de Tripoli sous la dynastie toulousaine, 1102-1187. Paris, 1945; rpt. AMS.
Riley, A.W. “Jaufre Rudel in Alfred Dablin’s Last Novel Hamlet.” Mosaic (Winter, 1977), 131–45. Traces source of Dablin’s knowledge of the legend to a book by W. C. Meller.
Robertson, Durant W. “Amors de terra lonhdana.” Studies in Philology, 49 (1952), 566–82. Argues that Jaufre’s poems comprise an allegory of current theological themes, centering around the equation of the lady with the Virgin Mary and the amor de loing with the love of the Celestial Jerusalem.
Rostand, Edmond. La Princesse lointaine. Paris: Imprimerie de l’Illustration, 1929.
Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades. 3 vols. Cambridge, 1952; rpt. Penguin.
Sabatier, Ernest. Jaufre Rudel. Memoire de l’Académie de Nimes. 7th Series, 4, 1881, 119-40. Attempts to reconstruct the life from the poems.
Sainte-Palaye, La Curne de. Histoire littéraire des troubadours. Ed. Millot. 3 vols. Paris, 1774; I, 85–96. Recounts legend; points out fictions and inconsistencies of Nostredame.
Sanna, Antonio. “Jaufre Rudel e l’amore lontano.” Annali della Facolta di Lettere, Filosofia e Magistero della Universita di Cagliari, 18 (1951), 331–64. Argues against Appel.
Santangelo, Salvatore. “L’amore lontano di Jaufre Rudel.” Siculorum Gymnasium, N.S. 6 (1953), 1–28 . Critical review of all the theories on the nature and identity of the amor de loing.
—. “Jaufre Rudel: Qui no sap esser chantaire.” Mélanges Angelo Monteverdi. 2 vols . Modena, 1959; 11, 681–90. (Rpt. in Studii, rassegne, varieta: pagine sparse, Padua, 1963). Edits this poem.
—. “Un preteso canto di crociata di Jaufre Rudel.” Siculorum Gymnasium, 15 (1962), 137–47. Criticizes Lejeune’s ed. of 6, and re-edits it.
Satõ, Teruo. “Jofurē Rudēru no l’amor de lonh ni tsuite.” Meisei Daigaku Kenkyū Kiyiō: Jimbun Gakubu, 10 (Oct. 26, 1974),31–45. Translation of Song 6 and presentation of the distant love theme in historical context.
Savj-Lopez, Paolo. “Jaufre Rudel. Questioni vecchie e nuove.” Rendiconti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei. Classe di Scierize Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Serie quinta, I I (1902), 212–25. (Further developed as “Mistica profana” in Trovatori e poeti: studi di lirica antica, Palermo, 1906). Argues against Appel and Monaci; edits the newly discovered Qui no sap esser chantaire.
Schultz[-GoraJ, Oskar. Review of Paris (1893). Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 92 (1894), 218–33. Describes and agrees with Paris’ article.
Seguy, Jean. Review of Suguy. Annales du Midi, 69 (1957), 179. Brief description of this Japanese article.
Serper, Arie. “Les Troubadours Jaufre Rudel et Guilhem Ademar.” Revue des Langues Romanes, 80 (1973),405–11. Follows Lewent (1957)
Simonelli, Maria. “Due note rudelliane.” Cultura Neolatina, 25 (1965), 113–27. Suggests influence of Jaufre on Bele Erembors and on Arnaut Daniel.
Smith, Nathaniel B. Figures of Repetition in the Old Provençal Lyric: A Study in the Style of the Troubadours. North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 176. Chapel Hill, 1976.
Spitzer, Leo. L’Amour lointain de jaufre Rudel et le sens de la poesie des troubadours. University of North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures, 5. Chapel Hill, 1944. (Revised in Romanische Literaturstudien 1936-56, Tübingen, 1959, pp. 363–417.). Argues against Frank (1942), and for the notion that the amor de loing is the nature of love itself, in which lust conflicts with an ideal state.
—. Review of Santangelo (1953). Romania, 75 (1954), 396–402. Attacks S.’s thesis, taken from Monaci, that the amor de loing is Eleanor of Aquitaine.
—. Review of Zorzi (1955). Romania, 77 (1956),109–12. Approves of Zorzi’s interpretation, which he sees as close to his own.
Staaft, E. “Jaufre Rudel. Ett blad ur trubadurdiktningens historia.” Nordisk Tidskrift for Vetenskap, Konst och Industri, Stockholm (1919), 241–58. General survey of Jaufre’s life and poetry, and of Jaufre scholarship.
Stengel, Edmund. Review of Stimming (1873). Jenaer Literaturzeitung, 28 (1874), 430. Severe review, largely dwelling on S.’s superficial classification of manuscripts.
Stone, Donald M., Jr. “Rudel’s Belhs m’es l’estius: A New Reading.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 67 (1966), 137–44. Argues that 2 is about Jaufre’s attaining true love, in the form of fidelity.
Suchier, Hermann. Review of Stimming (1873). Jahrbuch fur Romanische und Englische Literatur, 13 (1874), 337–39. Approves, with some minor corrections; see Textual Notes.
Sugi, Fujio. “Jaufré Rudel ni tsuite.” Furansu Bungaku Kenkyu (1955), 1–10. Attempts to demonstrate the fictional nature of the vida.
Swinburne, Algernon C. Poetical Works. Edd. E. Gosse, T.J. Wise. 20 vols. London: Heinemann, 1925–27.
Tavera, Antoine. “Lanquan li jorn: l’inépuisable texte.” Hommage a Pierre Nardin. Annales de la Faculte des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Nice, 29 (1977), 67–81. Emphasizes the fact that there are several versions of the poem, and likens the structure of each to the rhythmic and emotional progression of a musical score.
Topsfie!d, Leslie T. “Jois, Amors and Fin’Amors in the Poetry of Jaufre Rudel.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 71 (1970), 277–305. In Jaufre the search for jois is more important than the experience of amors.
—. “Three Levels of Love in the Poetry of the Early Troubadours, Guilhem IX, Marcabru and ]aufre Rudel.” Mélanges Jean Boutière. 2 vols. Liège: Soledi, 1971; 1,571–87. The level of physical desire; that of dreamlike imagining in which jois is illusory; and that level which is transcendental and from which good results flow.
—. Troubadours and Love. Cambridge, Eng., 1975; ch. 2. A reprint, expanded, of the first article above.
Uhland, Ludwig. Gesammelte Werke. 6 vols. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1892.
Viglione, Francesco. “La leggenda di Janfre [sic] Rudel nei canti dei poeti italiani e stranieri.” Rivista d’Italia, 19 (1916), 40–66. Literary survey of poets who deal with the legend and with the theme of the amor de loing.
Vincenti, Eleonora. Bibliografia antica dei trovatori. Milan-Naples: Ricciardi, 1963.
Walpole, Ronald N. “Jaufre Rudel—Who Can Open the Book?” Romance Philology, 13 (1959–60), 429–41. Discusses strengths and weaknesses of Lejeune (1959).
Wartburg, Walther von. Französisches etymologisches Wörterbuch. 31 vols. Bonn, et al., 1922–date (FEW)
Wilhelm, James J. Seven Troubadours: The Creators of Modern Verse. University Park and London: Pennsylvania State, 1970; ch. 3. Argues against Catharist interpretation of Jaufre; adduces parallels between 3 and Medieval Latin riddling poems; emphasizes Jaufre’s elusiveness and mystery.
Zade, Lotte. Der Troubadour Jaufre Rudel und das Motiv der Fernliebe in der Weltliteratur. Ph. D. Dissertation, Univ. of Greifswald, 1919. Traces Jaufre’s themes to Indian, Oriental, Italian, French, English and German literature, and attempts to show that they are universal folk themes.
Zanella, E. Jaufre Rudel e Consalvo. Legnago, 1897. Draws parallels between Leopardi’s poem and Jaufre.
Zorzi, Diego. “L’Amor de lonh di Jaufre Rudel.” Aevum, 29 (1955), 124–44. Jaufre’s amor is a reflection of 12th-century ideas, e.g., that of the school of Chartres that the love which flows from God also flows back to Him; thus Jaufre’s amor is an image of divine creation.
Zumthor, Paul. Langue et techniques poétiques à l’époque romane. Paris: Klincksieck, 1963; ch. 4. Analyzes 6 structurally.